Reduced glutathione can provide active thiol or combine with free radicals in enzyme catalysis to protect and restore liver cell function. GSH can activate a variety of enzymes, thereby contributing to the metabolisms of carbohydrate, fat and protein. And it can affect the cell's metabolic processes. It is an important intracellular regulator of metabolites. Due to its wide range of biological effects, GSH is applied to liver disease. Many people also buy glutathione to cure cancer, nervous, urinary, digestive and other diseases.

Liver cell injury is a common pathological basis of various liver diseases in which oxidative stress plays an important role in liver cell injury. Therefore, the study of oxidative stress lead to liver damage has become an important way to treat liver disease. Body there is a normal free radical scavenging system. Under physiological conditions, the generation of reactive oxygen species and scavenging balance does not appear to cell damage; pathological conditions, ROS production in the body too much or antioxidant system appears to promote oxide and antioxidants dynamic balance between disorders. excess of ROS can cause liver cell membrane, mitochondrial membrane, microsomal membrane lipid peroxidation of lysosomal membranes, resulting in lipid peroxides and their degradation products, LPO is not only the ROS increase in toxicity enhancement, and inhibit antioxidant system, weakening the cellular defense mechanism to increase the sensitivity of exogenous peroxide poisoning. Therefore, the activate transition of ROS and lipid oxidation reaction of initiation is a pathological basis for sustained liver damage.

Glutathione are widely present in normal cells, active liver metabolism, protect the liver cell membrane and enhance liver detoxification function of glutathione by exogenous added, can enhance the detoxification function of liver cells, promote liver cells to repair injury regeneration, prevent cholestasis, the promotion of jaundice and liver function recovery. GSH non-enzymatic antioxidants. Through the thiol redox state of the conversion, as a reversible hydrogen donor. The molecule is characterized by active thiol and y-glutamyl key. The thiol is the most important functional group in GSH. Thiol involved in the body to a variety of important biochemical reactions, the protection of important enzymes in vivo protein thiol is not oxidized, inactivated to ensure that energy metabolism and cell. GSH metabolic pathway in GSH transferase, glutamyl endopeptidase of GSH-peroxidase - the participation of the reductase, to clear the spontaneous or reactive intermediates generated by the enzymatic reaction within the cells, resulting in live body. It plays an important protective effect in cellular antioxidants.

GSH is not only involved in cell response to oxidative stress, but also maintains the body's redox balance. Pharmaceutical raw materials suppliers use it in regulating cell proliferation, immune response and neuromodulators and neurotransmitters of the nervous system. In conditions of oxidative stress, nuclear factor DNA binding activity is GSH-dependent mechanism. It may maintain the redox state of GSH in the role of the thiol transferase involved in the oxidation-sensitive cysteine ​​in NFI. Another study confirmed that GSH is involved in the regulation of LPS-induced cytokine transcription regulation and signaling pathways.

Glutathione contains thiols with important physiological functions involving in a variety of important reactions in vivo. In glutamyl cycle, glutamyltransferase will maintain normal cell metabolism and cell membrane integrity. It can combine with electrophilic radicals, oxygen free radicals and other toxic substances. Once exogenous and endogenous toxic substances produce toxic metabolites and lead to peroxidation of liver cell membrane, in the liver cell necrosis, glutathione will provide reductant for glutathione peroxidase, thus inhibiting or reducing free radicals' generation. It will protect liver cell membranes from oxygen free radical damage and increase stability of liver cell membrane.Source: