Biotin production technology made a success in 2001. It marks that China is able to produce all the forage vitamin varieties which breaks the monopoly of foreign manufacturers of biotin technology. The market price is also down sharply from 1,000 RMB / kg. Because of technological breakthroughs and factory expansion, it results in biotin oversupply. In addition to the internal and external environmental impacts in 2007 to 2008, vitamin overall prices of biotin fluctuate significantly. At other times, the basic price is in a downward trend. Especially since 2009, the price in the low state remands for three years.

The global market demand of biotin is about 125 tons, of which about 20 tons for food and pharmaceutical grade. Feed grade is about 105 tons. Biotin production capacity has reached more than 200 tons. And are mainly concentrated in the area of ​​Zhejiang, China, foreign manufacturers are almost no production in 2011 biotin export about 115 tons.

In 2011, the external environment is gradually changing. First, costs raise including labor costs, raw material costs, etc. The RMB exchange rate continues to appreciate, resulting in greater pressure to export. The power shortage in Zhejiang province this year is more even serious than in previous years. Sudden events and production safety make it no doubt. Multiple astaxanthin factors led to the pattern of biotin supply due to the accumulation of pre start slowly changing, extensive product line manufacturers in the case of low biotin profitability, supply became tense.

Supply pattern changes have a decisive role in the stable demand for stable. In the vitamin history, there are a lot of events about pricing volatility caused by the supply pattern changes Far the 1990s vitamin C price war in recent soaring after the integration of calcium pantothenate of 2007 and 2009, the soaring of vitamin D3. in this time, it is biotin’s turn.

In mid-April of 2011, the Chinese biotin manufacturer breaks. After May holidays, manufacturers introduced offer of 180 RMB / kg and how long will the market remain has become most concerned problem. The price increase too large and the biotin market turnover are still cautious. End customers and dealers hands still have some stock. Therefore, in the early stage of market start, the volume will be poor. However, industry believes that the supply gap is inevitable in the long run. It is up to 2 to 3 tons every month equivalent to 15 or 20% global shares. In 2012, price will be higher.Source: