Biotin is a water-soluble sulfur compound. It is necessary for human and animal body to maintain normal physiological function and low molecular weight organic compounds. It is an indispensable nutrient. Biotin is widely distributed in plants and microorganism’s vivo, such as yellow maize, barley, wheat, wheat bran, alfalfa, brewer's yeast, whey powder, etc.The yeast has maximum utilization and the content. The biotin of wheat, sorghum and other cereals shows a combining state and has lower utilization. As biotin deficiency occur in a variety of breeding animals, people have a new understanding of biotin’s nutritional and physiological functions. It has become one of the most concerned water-soluble vitamins.

Biotin is the cofactor for many enzymes in the body. It plays an irreplaceable role in maintaining metabolic dynamic equilibrium. The main function of the body of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acid metabolism, and metabolic processes involved in other nutrients such as methyl transfer reactions, also closely related to the activation and function of the sebaceous glands and metabolism of vitamin B, folic acid, pantothenic acid and lysozyme. Lack of biotin can cause dermatitis, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, hair loss, anemia, blood cholesterol increased, depression, weight loss and other symptoms, severe fatty liver, nephrotic syndrome, and immune system to produce negative impact. In addition, studies suggest that the Gestational biotin lack of potential teratogenicity. Some studies have indicated that biotin may play a role in the regulation of different protein expression, which may be a potential mechanism of the non-classical biotin deficiency.

Natural biotin in free state or a combination of protein in two forms exist, bound biotin with biotin degradation of the enzyme to be absorbed in the intestine in need. The main segments are absorbed in the small intestine, the colon may also absorb part of. Absorbed, distributed in the body tissue cells, including liver, kidney content. The positioning of the minoxidil in the intracellular distribution of biotin. Mammals in general degradation of biotin ring, but a small portion can be converted to sulfide.

In livestock production, adding appropriate level of biotin in the diet of monogastric animals can improve the production performance of animals in varying degrees. Pig clefthoof disease is widespread in the large-scale intensive pig farms. 80% of pigs are eliminated and it brings greater economic losses to the pig farm. When pigs get hoof crack, it can not maintain the strength and hardness of hoof cuticle. The hoof shell cracked hoof, the ottomans cracks and bleeding, and sometimes the hind leg cramps, hair loss and dermatitis and other symptoms, and due to hoof keratin soft, easy to wear and pigsty floor rough clefthoof, then the rip infection or even severe limp happens. Source: