In order to obtain a greater investment return, Chinese companies have increased the scale of production and product quality. But from the international financial crisis, deteriorated exterior policy environment, raw material prices of upstream and downstream shrinking demand and many other adverse factors, they make the market conditions and price trends of manganese powder industry in 2012 win much concern. In 2010, Chinese manganese industry is developing rapidly and the Chinese manganese production technology is improved.

Manganese market is weak and the main products prices fell sharply. By the end of May 2011, electrolytic zinc prices are from, 17,800 RMB / ton at the beginning of the year to 13,200 RMB/ ton a downward trend in June. Manganese prices are from 13,940 RMB / ton in the beginning of the year raised to 14,539 RMB / ton. At the previous same period, the price is 21,704 RMB / ton. Sulfuric acid prices from the beginning of the year, 450 RMB / ton, down 417 RMB / ton, while the same period last year the price of 600 RMB / ton. Raw material prices decline much lower than the prices to lead to increased production costs, the benefit showing a downward trend; industrial enterprises of underemployment, a serious shortage of production capacity. The first half of a county average monthly cut-off 10, 20% of the cut-off surface. The bulk of industrial products, discontinued a half cut five kinds, accounting for 38.5% of the total.

There are three reasons for underemployment industrial enterprisers: First, environmental remediation. In April, manganese, electrolytic zinc is cut-off over 20 days due to environmental remediation. Carbon ferromanganese has been temporarily shut down from April 13 last year because of environmental remediation. Environmental regulation also affects the nickel powder production run. The power is also impacted by the drought in Guizhou and Yunnan. The power companies are from 20 March to early April with the load of 75000 KW pressure to 50000 KW. Some enterprises can not be at full capacity production. Especially after the abolition of the full preferential tariff on June 1, manganese underemployment or discontinued. Capacity calculation, manganese production is only 6.2 million tons, accounting for 38.8 percent of capacity; electrolytic zinc production is only 2.5 million tons, accounting for 29% of capacity. Significant reduction of MnZn industry, the impact of the sulfuric acid industry, the production of sulfuric acid 114,000 tons, accounting for 46% capacity. Fourth, the technical factors. Due to the electrolytic chromium, electrolytic iron, due to technical factors, some companies has discontinued a number of investment companies are not met expectations. In the first half of 2011, due to underemployment, it is affected with 780 million output value RMB and tax 40 million RMB.

The market prices trend of manganese powder is an important basis for raw material procurement, production and sales plan. It is also essential for production operations and development planning. It is encountered that after the global financial crisis, manganese carbonate powder product prices has volatility. It makes many companies in the industry earned lower profits with losses or even bankruptcy. In the 2012, with macroeconomic gradually has a good situation, the market price of manganese carbonate powder and its future trend of businesses gets close attention from investors.Souce: