At present, Argentina, Mexico and Bolivia are planting chia seeds. Chia seeds, corn, soybeans and beans belong to summer autumn crops in Argentina and Mexico. They have competitions in farmlands. In Bolivia, chia seed is planted in autumn and winter. It is planted after the harvest of other crops. It fights for lands with wheat, sunflower and sorghum which grow in winter.

People will know where to find chia seeds if they go to tropical and subtropical regions. The growing season is not interference by the frost. It is the most suitable to cultivate in the sandy soil; but if there is perfect drainage system, but also in the clay to survive. Field observed in a variety of different nutrient levels in soil, chia seeds have better growing; but if the nitrogen content is too low, chia seed's production is difficult to improve. Chia seed’s rate is between 6 to 8 kg per hectare. It needs to be fully reclaimed, shovel broken big clods and adequate drainage to prevent rain washed away the tiny seeds. Seed above the soil thickness of not more than 10 mm. The rain may cause soil compaction, thus impeding crop growth.

Chia seed is more likely to germinate in moist soil, but once the seedling ground-breaking, not very chia seed precipitation, irrigation is limited to thrive. Forty to fifty days before chia seed growing is the most critical, because the chia seed growth is very slow, and weeds will to compete with the sun, nutrition and water. Herbicides will bring damage to chia seed, planting weed control between the pre-field is the most important. When chia see is firmly rooted, the crown density can be mechanical weeding a. The large leaves and straight stems of chia seed can form a closed canopy. Under this case, weeding is relatively easy.

Under normal circumstances, chia seed grows in tropical and subtropical latitudes. The chia seed production in north-western Argentina is by planting time. The investigation Canal in Salta, planted on January 17 chia seed, whether it is better survival than quantity and seed yield planted after this date. However, the flowering time of three dates grown chia seed is the same, this may be because of the growing plants growing season will be higher and stronger. The measured weight of each group of crops results confirms this inference. However, the greater volume of plants also means it needs more time to wait for the seeds to dry in order to ensure effective mechanical harvesting. By adding a chemical desiccant to accelerate crop dry, but it will also increase production costs. There are no desiccants found which do no harm to chia seed desiccant.

Geographic location, soil composition will be different, thus the fatty acid content of chia seed will be different. It is the same to other oil crops such as soybean, sunflower and saffron. Geographical differences may be caused due to changes in one or more environmental factors. Temperature, light, soil type and nutrients will affect the seed oil contained in the quantity and quality. Other crops such as soybean, sunflower and evening primrose oils of oilseeds constitute also affected by temperature.

The α-linolenic acid content of chia see is reduced as the average temperature increases. The seeds from pharmaceutical raw materials suppliers of Colombia and Peru also have a similar variation. High temperatures may inhibit the formation of α-linolenic acid of chia seed. It is the same to other oil seeds. In farmlands of South America, the chia seed species are the same. Before planting, chia seeds already have had selection and breeding in the Salta of Argentina. Obviously, there are differences between constitutes of initial seed oil and its descendants. Those differences may be caused by environmental factors.Source: