The non woven bag is an environmental product. Environmental protection is its biggest advantage. Nonwovens are made by directed or random fiber. It is a new generation of environmentally friendly materials, with moisture-proof, breathable, flexible, lightweight, not combustion, easily biodegradable, non-toxic non-irritating, rich colors and low prices, recycling and other features. Spinning linen has rich colors, bright crisp, stylish green, versatile, beautiful, diverse patterns and styles. They are   lightweight, environmentally friendly and recyclable. Therefore, non-woven bag is internationally recognized as the environmentally friendly products protection of the Earth's ecology. It is strongly promoted in the world.

Of course, the people live emphasis on affordable. Comparing to low-cost or even free plastic bags, they have great differences, it has also become one of the obstacles of the non-woven bag promotion. However, following analysis of the characteristics of non woven bag china, but found that there are some hidden reasons.

Release start from the plastic limit, and plastic bags will begin to gradually exit the items packaging market, there is no free use of plastic bags, use only consumers pay.The bigger one is more expensive. Buy several equivalent to a non-woven shopping bags, woven bags can be used repeatedly, the attrition rate is far lower than the plastic bags, so doing non-woven shopping bags, but more money.

Traditional plastic bags, shopping bags, in order to save costs so the material is thin, easily damaged. Non-woven shopping bag, toughness, and easy to wear. There is a lot of laminating non-woven shopping bags, with a solid addition, more waterproof, feel good, beautiful shape, a little bit. Although individual cost compared with plastic bags up a little, but the life of a recycle bag arrived in hundreds, even thousand of the tens of thousands of plastic bags.

Beautiful non-woven shopping bags, not just a commodity bags alone. Its beautiful appearance more attractive, the embodiment of simple fashion shoulder bag, the street a beautiful landscape. Coupled with its rugged, waterproof, non-stick hand feature has become a lot of people out shopping and leisure will bring the matter.

Plastic limit order is issued, in order to solve the issue of environmental protection. The repeated use of the non-woven bags, greatly reducing the waste into pressure. With the concept of environmental protection, better able to show a person's quality of small woven bags will be able to reflect people's environmental awareness.

All in all, these potential values are obvious and they can not be replaced by the ordinary plastic bags. So non-woven bags go with environmental counterparts and promote the green lifestyle. It will become the fashionable trend.
