Application of powder metallurgy materials and classification

(1) Application: (cars, motorcycles, textile machines, industrial sewing machines, electric tools, hardware, tools appliances. Construction machinery) and other powder metallurgy (iron copper) parts.

(2) Categories: Porous materials, powder metallurgy, powder metallurgy friction materials, friction materials, powder metallurgy, powder metallurgy structural parts, powder metallurgy tooling materials, magnetic materials, powder metallurgy and powder metallurgy and high temperature materials.

Powder Metallurgy and performance of sub-processes

Isostatic pressing of metal powder injection molding pressure sintered metal powder supplier metallurgy powder metallurgy powder metallurgy powder forging properties (property of powder) powder all the performance in general. It includes: the geometric properties of the powder (particle size, surface area, pore size and shape, etc.); powder chemical properties (chemical composition, purity, oxygen content and acid-insoluble material, etc.); powder mechanical properties (bulk density, flow formability, compressibility, angle and shear angle stacking, etc.); powder physical properties and surface properties (true density, gloss, absorbing, surface activity, ze% 26mdash; ta (% 26ccedil;) and magnetic potential , etc.). Powders tend to a large extent determines the performance of powder metallurgy products.

Basic geometric properties of a powder of particle size and shape.

(1) particle size.

It affects the powder forming, sintering shrinkage and final product performance. Some of the powder metallurgy products, performance and size is almost directly related to, for example, filter materials, manganese powder filter accuracy in the original experience by powder particles 10 obtained by dividing the average particle size; product performance and wc carbide phase grain has a lot to get smaller the carbide grain size, wc only a more fine-grained material is possible. Production practices in the use of powder, its particle size range from a few hundred nanometers to several hundred microns. The smaller particle size, the greater the activity, the more easily oxidized and surface water. When a small few hundred nanometers, the powder is not easy storage and transport, and to a certain extent when small quantum effects come into play, its physical properties will be undergoing major changes, such as magnetic powder becomes superparamagnetic powder, melting point along with the particle size decreases.

(2) powder particle shape.

It depends on the milling method, electrolytic method were as boron powder, granules dendritic; reduction method was the sponge iron particles were flaky; gas atomization method were essentially spherical powder. In addition, some powder was Egg, discoid, needle-like, onion-like and so on. The shape of the powder particles will affect the flow of powder and bulk density, due to mechanical engagement between the particles, irregular powder compacts strength are also great, especially the suppression of dendritic powder billet of its maximum intensity. But for the porous material, the use of spherical powder is best.

Mechanical properties

The mechanical properties of the powder technological properties of silicon powder, powder metallurgy forming process it is important process parameters. Powder bulk density is suppressed when using the volumetric method based on weighing; powder determines the mobility of the powder on the die filling and press the speed of production capacity; powder compression process determines the difficulty of suppression and pressure level; and formability of the powder determines the strength of billet.

Chemical properties depending on the chemical purity of raw materials and milling methods. High oxygen content reduces the suppression performance compacts strength and mechanical properties of sintered products, so most of the technical conditions of this powder has a certain requirement. For example, the nickel powder allow the oxygen content of 0.2% to 1.5%, which is equivalent oxide content of 1% to 10%.

Development prospects of powder metallurgy industry

In recent years, through continuous introduction of foreign advanced technology and innovative combination of independent development, China has emerged as powder metallurgy industry and technology trend of rapid development, China General Machine Components Industry is the fastest growing industries and one copper powder(FCu) every year nationwide industry's output value to 35% annually. Is accelerating global manufacturing transfer to China, the automotive industry, machinery manufacturing, metal industry, aerospace, instrumentation, hardware tools, construction machinery, electronic appliances and the rapid development of high-tech industries, for the powder metallurgy industry has brought a rare development opportunities and a huge market space. In addition, the powder metallurgy industry is priority to the development and China to encourage foreign investment, and broad development prospects.