Diarrhea refers to the frequent bowel movements. It means the frequencies are more than 3 times a day, daily weight is greater than 200g or moisture content is more than 80%. Sometimes it is companied with mucus, blood and undigested food. Chemotherapy-related diarrhea is the most common complication for cancer patients during chemotherapy period. The typical clinical manifestations are the painless diarrhea or accompanied by mild abdominal pain during chemotherapy. It is several times a day or dozens of times. It lasts for 5 to7 days and emerges on chemotherapy day or two weeks after chemotherapy. In the fluorouracil and irinotecan chemotherapy of malignant gastrointestinal tumors, incidence of diarrhea is highest.

Irinotecan is a common chemotherapy drug in gastrointestinal malignancies. Although many people are not clear about irinotecan price, all know that it is an effective drug in chemotherapy. In monotherapy, only 20% of patients get severe diarrhea. And in the assessment period, 14% of the patients has severe diarrhea. Listen to diarrhea patients to deal with the advice of measures in combination therapy, 13.1% of severe diarrhea. In the assessment period, 3.9% of severe diarrhea. There are two irinotecan led to the CID. An early-onset diarrhea occurred in the medication 24 hours; mainly due to irinotecan inhibit cholinesterase, so that the accumulation of acetylcholine in the body, and thus give rise to diarrhea, its mild, 0.25mg subcutaneous injection of atropine needle can be treatment. Another late-onset diarrhea, mainly related to the above-mentioned refers to the medication 24 hours after the occurrence of the diarrhea, the SN-38 accumulated and poor absorption of water, electrolytes and a high degree of secretion of mucin is related to. The median time of occurrence caused by irinotecan delayed diarrhea for five days.

People should pay particular attention to the delayed diarrhea caused by pharmaceutical raw materials irinotecan. If people have not correct or in time treatment for late-onset diarrhea, it may cause very serious consequences and may even lead to death, so once a clear diagnosis, it needs a timely processing. Its treatment includes the following aspects: to reduce the concentration of the intestine SN-38 and its contact with the intestinal epithelium: inhibition of the bacteria to produce glucuronic acid enzymes: use of oral antibiotics, increasing the intestine PH value. Adsorption of the intestine SN-38, prophylactic oral administration of activated charcoal to reduce the residence time of intestinal contents in the intestinal lumen, but does not recommend the prophylactic use of antidiarrheal drugs. Cut off SN-38 contact with the intestinal epithelial cells: mucosal protective agents. Reduce peristalsis, increase water and electrolyte absorption. Reduce the intestinal epithelial cells secrete water, electrolytes. To prevent the destruction of the intestinal microvilli and shortened to reduce the number of intestinal goblet cells. It needs parenteral nutrition therapy and patients should pay attention to maintain water, electrolyte and acid-base balance.

Chemotherapy-related diarrhea will not only reduce physical fitness and life quality of patients, the severe cases can lead to imbalance water, electrolyte on patients. It increases the incidence of infection. And it even shocks and threatens life. Chemotherapy-related diarrhea also increases hospital costs and leads to chemotherapy interruption. Patients need to pay attention to the CID caused by irinotecan chemotherapy. It needs timely and correct treatment to avoid occurrence pf serious adverse events.Source:http://www.cospcn.com